Elizabethtown Comic Con, October 29, 2022

WOOOO!!! I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for a table as a local comic artist at this first-time ever event in Hardin County, Kentucky!!! I’ll need to get some money together for an Exhibitor/Artist table. Details still forthcoming.
[Edit: Looking over the site information, tables for Artist Alley are a big $150 for just one table. IF ANYONE would be willing to help me raise some money for the table to appear at this event, I will cheerfully autograph any and all books you bring me. My stories are at https://houseofthemuses.com/shop]
“Join us for our 1st ComiCon show in Elizabethtown, KY on October 29, 2022. Stay up to date with our show announcements and details. Join our mailing list today.”