Comic Essentials: Robot Balloons

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Robots. Gotta love ’em. Whether ancient artifacts or simple Servo Droids, they always seem to have something to say! Made in Adobe Illustrator CS4, these Adobe Illustrator Robot Balloons will save a lot of work.
There are so many different levels to improving your storytelling. We also have robot balloons, thought balloons, broadcast or shout balloons, and don’t miss our Comix Page templates in Adobe Illustrator format, with a FREE Ka-Blam comic template to show layout. Whether you use Standard size comic pages for laying out your stories, or you need a template for the Ka-Blam 7×10.5 comics page template, grab ALL your FREE Ka-Blam comics templates here!
With all these tools at hand at your disposal, you’ll need the training to put you at the top of your game.
Ringo and Eagle award winning letterer and founder of–Nate Piekos–shares his insight into the world of comic book lettering in the upcoming The Essential Guide to Comic Book Lettering.
Piekos provides readers with the most in-depth tips and techniques ever published on the subject of digital comic book lettering in this exhaustive guide. He covers everything from creating lettering templates, emotive dialogue, and dynamic sound effects to developing design skills and building a lettering career in the comic industry.
This priceless resource from respected giants in the comics field is available to you NOW, in Paperback, Kindle and Comixology. Get it now on or
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