Exploring the infinite universe of Independent Comics! ICC Magazine #10 spotlights Women in Comics with legends Lee Marrs and Colleen Doran, Cosplayer Cara Nicole aka AZ PowerGirl, and celebrating Black History month with Golden Legacy Comics! Don’t miss more artist spotlights in Baker’s Articles, motivation with Indie comic artists dealing with The Climb, and tips and advice for Independent Comic Publishers!
From the acclaimed creator of House of the Muses, A Deviant Mind, The Voices Against Bullying Anthology, contributor to Dark Mischief Horror Anthology, Prism Comics’ ALPHABET LGBTQAI Anthology and Chief Editor of ICC Magazine: Pam Harrison is one of the first and best known CGI artists in Independent Comics. Her work with the historical fiction series House of the Muses earned her the 2008 Prism Comics Queer Press Grant for Outstanding Series, and she continues her storytelling in a gripping sci-fi space opera adventure, A Deviant Mind, that far transcends its original LGBT audience. Keep up to date with all her latest news at houseofthemuses.com.
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