How To Participate in VAB
Related Pages: Voices Against Bullying Anthology Project | What Is VAB? | How To Participate in VAB | Voices Against Bullying Submission Schedule
Q: How does this anthology project work?
A: First: You must set up a Ka-Blam account at You will also need your own Paypal account so that you can get paid for sales of each comic you collaborate on.
I set this project up in 2012 with Jenni Gregory of Ka-Blam Digital Printing, based on the anthology I participated with them in 2011. I take artist and writer submissions at my contact link at Selected artists, in order to participate, need to set up their account at and supply me with their username so they are eligible for royalties from the sale of the comics. Contributors to VAB get a percentage of the comic sale price as royalty. Five contributors = Each contributor gets 20% of the $3.99 comic price. That might sound like peanuts, but it adds up. The series is published through Ka-Blam Digital Printing, and each contributor receives a percentage of profit for their work, as well as the ability to order as many issues as they like at print cost plus shipping, to promote and sell their work and keep the proceeds. The incentive for contributors to promote this series is high, and has potential to be a life-changing work for many young people from all walks of life. It also creates incentive for all contributors to promote their efforts, and the side effect of that is that our stories reach kids who need them most. Promote your comic to schools, youth groups, churches, your local comic shops, anywhere you can make a difference. When you give comic shops, bookstores or resellers your link, they will see on the product page: Order 5 copies or more and get 25% off on this book! Great deal for re-sellers! (Discount shows up at checkout.)
Q: How many pages of story do you want? Is there a specific comic size or template we should use?
A: Stories are usually five pages in length. Depending on space, that might sometimes vary. Page size is 7 x 10.5, and you can download the comic page template from for your use Ka-Blam Comic Templates.
Q: Can I use my contributed artwork to promote this comic?
A: Absolutely. This anthology is all about the contributing artists. I set up an artists gallery in each issue with your story and photo, I don’t own the rights to anyone’s art or stories, so you are free to promote or republish them anywhere, forever on. I’ve been considering the Viral aspect of it…and Some of you might want to do a 30 second-1 minute video, a look at talking about the story you contribute(d), and I’ll compile those into a full-length YouTube video.
Also feel free to use any of these banners on your websites or social media to promote this project.